Nothing lasts forever, including our planet. It's a fact. But we, the human race, are exponentially accelerating this process.
Trees are being cut. Toxic residues are being dumped into the ocean. Smoke is being released into the atmosphere. The soil is being contamined by chemicals that turn our food into poison. Our planet was a wonderful place, but we took everything from it. We kill, we destroy, we exterminate, because we want and not because we need. We did it for luxury, for pleasure, for convenience, for we don't care about anything else but ourselves. What we always forget is that by killing the planet, we are killing ourselves too.
However, hope is not lost; We can still heal these scars if we want to. If each one of us does his part, the Earth as it used to be may rise again and be the home for our children and their children and so on. Why destroy if we can create? Let's end this trail of destruction and start living a sustainable life. It's better for us and for the environment, so, what's stopping us?
If we embrace this way of life, our generation and the following that are to come can prosper and live a healthy and happy life.
Let's change things for the better! Let's leave a positive mark in the world!
"Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money." - Cree Indian Proverb